Shaun is no ordinary teenage boy, in fact he’s not a boy at all. Shaun is a robot, otherwise known as Robo-dude, a domestic helper around the house. He has been bought by mother and daughter, Sandra and Chloe Wilson to bring some order into their busy lives.
After a few teething problems, Shaun fits in very well. The house has never been so tidy. Then Chloe discovers there are other tasks Robo-dude can perform, all it takes is an App and a few minutes with an Allen key and Shaun can do ironing, bake cakes or even hold intelligent conversations.
But in every tale there must be conflict, and so it is in this one. Things don’t run altogether smoothly because unknown to Chloe and her mother, Shaun has secret abilities. Other players know this and want Shaun for their own not quite so legal purposes.
In the end it falls to Shaun to restore some sort of calm, which he does in a quite disorderly and spectacular way.