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Why You Suck At Investing And How You Can Easily and Dramatically Beat the Odds With a Brain Dead Easy, Set-It-And-Forget-It Method

Why You Suck At Investing And How You Can Easily and Dramatically Beat the Odds With a Brain Dead Easy, Set-It-And-Forget-It Method Why You Suck At Investing And How You Can Easily and Dramatically Beat the Odds With a Brain Dead Easy, Set-It-And-Forget-It Method

作者:Doyle Shuler 
出版社:Doyle Shuler
$ 60
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:Why You Suck At Investing And How You Can Easily and Dramatically Beat the Odds With a Brain Dead Easy, Set-It-And-Forget-It Method

Do you suck at investing?

Better yet, do you know someone who does?

While written in a tongue-in-cheek style, Why You Suck At Investing is an informative and educational manual that reveals the most common reasons average investors preform so poorly.

If you’re like “the average investor,” you actually do suck at investing. A comprehensive study recently revealed that the average investor under performed every single major asset class over the past 20 years. Twenty years is not a fluke. It’s not an aberration. It’s a pattern of consistent under performance.

The big question is WHY. Why does the average investor do so poorly at investing? When average investors buy and sell stocks, trade in commodities or hard assets, or put their money into just about any type of investment, their performance generally sucks. It sucks so bad that over the past 20 years, they have not even kept up with inflation. That means the average investor is actually going backwards!

This is a serious issue. The average investor first needs to know why they suck at investing and trading stocks. Once they know why they suck, and what they are doing wrong, they can then better learn what they can do about it to improve their investing performance.

This book is a quick read and it’s written in every day, easy to understand language. The author weaves in a bit of subtle humor to make the book informative, yet fun. After reading this book you will know the core reasons why we average humans are not very well suited for financial investing.

You will learn the good and the bad triggers that often cause us to make the worst possible decisions at the worst possible times. Once you know what they are, you can better prepare to deal with them and work with the predetermined patterns that are embodied within most of us.

The book has two parts. The first part reviles exactly how the average investor has performed over the past two decades. It clearly walks you through what the root causes of the problem are and why we act and react the way we do. It even sheds some light on professional investors and how they are subject to the same forces as we average investors.

The second part of the book walks through a very unique, unexpected, and remarkably effective optional solution. Clearly this solution may not be right for everyone, but there is no denying its remarkable track record of performance. The unique thing about this optional solution is that it works perfectly with the circumstances and forces that cause the investing problem in the first place. Some would call it, the perfect solution.

In keeping with our core belief in transparency and full disclosure, the author is a principal in a company that offers the solution outlined in the second half of the book. We know that some of the reviews of this book with be posted by competitors, or the typical “haters” to believe if you write about anything that has the potential to benefit yourself, then the purposed solution has no value. We believe that view is shortsighted, narrow minded, and often based on fear. We are happy to compare this plan to any other plan in the universe and believe it will beat the pants off of the other options available.

However, if this fact bothers you, then perhaps this book is not for you. If you believe that if someone has something of great value and benefit, they should not be able to write about it without being chastised for it, then I suggest you find a different book to read. On the other hand, if you are open-minded and believe it’s possible that there could be something really amazing, that you've never hear of, that could offer amazing benefits to you and your family, then you’re going to love this book.

My goal is that after you've read this book, and take the appropriate actions, you will no longer suck at investing, but will be brilliant at it and will experience great success.

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