In the year 2075 a new epidemic known as Lycostreptamin sweeps the nation sending scores of sickened mortals to makeshift quarantine centers. Two undead doctors from different parts of the world befriend one another in the middle of chaos, panic and evil.
Set in a futuristic time of draconian rule when the medical profession at large is being ostracized: doctors and nurses everywhere find themselves out of work, unemployed and forced into early retirement. Those that go against the super elite and global entities are imprisoned, fined and extradited. For the fortunate few, however, they manage to fly under their radars until a long thought deceased undead father and son duo show up in modern day Haven Springs and lay down roots spreading both a dark evil and wasting anybody that discovers their secrets.
Can Dr. Howard Thorne and Dr. Karl von Holzmann find a cure for the new potentially deadly disease Lycostreptamin in time or will an undead band of killers wipe out the mortal populations in their towns first?