This book is written about the lives of Charlotte and Jimmie Badgett. It contains information about our careers in the fire service and emergency management. It also covers our family life, careers, and experiences. It is factual, historical, educational, and comical. Our intent was to share the humor in our lives and encourage the reader to look for the humor in their live. It is a true book and similar to an autobiography but was written by two writers instead of one. The job descriptions provide the reader insight into the requirements for the positions we have held in our careers. We have included “Lessons Learned” as a safety guide in many types of situations. It even contains some poetry and prose. The short section on Wills and Living Trust is a very important section. Some sections may not be of interest to all readers, but skip those sections and continue reading to the end of the book. This is a great reference book and should be placed in your personal library. It is not our intent for the book to be on the “Best Seller List” but to be on your “Best Reading List.” Thank you for being a part of our lives.