There is a Great Library hidden deep within the mountains of the Hindu Kush which is said to house the knowledge of all things, both known and still unknown, both past and of the future. Revealed only to a secret society, this library has come to exist over many millennia because of the accumulative efforts of thousands of dedicated seekers, sages, philosophers, and prophets alike, whose purpose during earthly life is the collection and preservation of universal truth. This is the story of four unusual characters, an Englishman, an Irishman, a Scot, and an American, who in the early twentieth century, chart a journey to find the lost antiquities of the world. Finding much more than the treasures of forgotten kings, they discover the wonders of the very meaning of life itself. This book is not only an adventure into strange faraway lands, but a journey into the human mind that will leave you questioning the very foundation of what you have believed all of your life to be true...