In our world and timeline, Lee Harvey Oswald was marked as one of the most infamous assassins in history. However, in a parallel universe, on a parallel Earth, there exists Professor Lee Harvey Oswald. He is a quantum physicist inhabiting a universe where JFK lived. In this world, Prof. Oswald has constructed a device based on quantum entanglement that enables him to peer into parallel Earth histories. Including the one in which his much younger counterpart was framed as the patsy in JFK’s assassination. At the same time a team of specialists in our own timeline (and universe) has developed a project, Lancer, to go back in time to Nov. 22, 1963 to ascertain what really happened that day. Sedley Eric Hinds, a brilliant West Indian scientist decades ahead of his time, wanted a time machine to right the wrongs of history starting with the Kennedy assassination. He did not survive to use it. But an unlikely trio of misfits led by physicist Morris Hoad managed to find hundreds of Sedley’s long lost files to assemble his Goldstone Boson Amplifier and make the startling temporal projection. The Oswald Option takes us across multiple timelines - for multiple parallel Earths - to uncover the ruses and conspiracies that aimed to mentally enslave the masses in each. It is up to the ’Earth 1’ Lancer Expedition to learn the actual events that fateful day in Dallas