"The As Yet Unnameable" is a captivating collection of five short stories and numerous poems that will take readers on a journey through the intersections of Southern Gothic literature, mathematics, absurdism, and elements of science fiction. Written by Jagger Knox, whose writing style combines the simplicity and directness of Ernest Hemingway with Knox’s own unique interests, this book is a must-read for fans of thought-provoking and unusual stories. Knox’s writing style weaves together the seemingly disparate fields of computational number theory, absurdism, Southern Gothic literature, and science fiction, resulting in stories that are both engaging and meaningful. From a flying orb alien entity to a mathematician who does computational number theory in a stolen police car, the short stories take readers on an unexpected journey through bizarre scenarios. In addition to the stories, the book includes numerous poems that explore the intricacies of human emotion and experience. Knox’s minimalist poetic style invites readers to contemplate the profound nature of everyday life. While showcasing his unique blend of interests, Knox also acknowledges the struggles he has faced in becoming a better writer. Through his persistence and passion for writing, he hopes to inspire readers to pursue their own creative endeavors and explore the limitless possibilities of storytelling. Overall, "The As Yet Unnameable" is a thought-provoking and engaging collection that will inspire readers to explore the intersections of different fields and discover the beauty and power of storytelling.