Few books have continued their bestselling status centuries after their author’s death. What is important is how such books are used. Because only extremely useful books continue in demand at bookstores, especially over generations. These books have found application as a training guides for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat. This book is entitled A Samurai Master Class, as two additional classics, "The Book of Five Rings" and "Bushido, the Soul of Japan" have been included. No study of this period would be complete without understanding the strategies, tactics, and ethics of the Samurai. All of us have our journey to follow. For some, we could use this persona to make our decisions more wisely, to resolve conflicts as we move though life. In this, the Art of War can become the Way of Peace. This is presented as the old Japanese proverb told, "There are many paths up the mountain." In that spirit, this book is humbly presented for your use. (From the Forward)