Workplace diversity has become increasingly relevant to academics and practitioners alike. Often, this issue is tackled merely from a business-oriented / managerial point of view. Yet, such a single-level perspective fails to acknowledge both the macro-societal context wherein companies and organizations act, and the micro-individual dynamics by which individuals construct and affirm their identities in relation to others.
Muslim minorities are part of current workplace diversity in many parts of the world. This book focuses on Muslim identities and their interrelations with societal frameworks and organizational strategy and practice. Contributors from various disciplines and societal contexts ensure a multiplicity of perspectives. The authors shed light on this diversity and draw implications for human resource management (HRM) theory and practice. Chapters uncover the wider discourses on Muslim minorities which impact organizational HRM. The book explores how, to be truly inclusive HRM with regard to Muslim minorities, HRM academics and practitioners need become aware of these discourses.
Throughout Muslim Minorities, Workplace Diversity and Reflexive HRM, readers are guided from large theoretical concepts to specific contexts, whilst being encouraged to question their assumptions. This book lays the foundations for managing Muslim employees beyond stereotypes, enabling the reader to develop the reflexive mindset needed for truly inclusive HRM with regard to Muslim employees.