Political satire, comic strip action adventure, science fiction, space opera, Orwellian dystopia, costume drama, Western...Drawing on a range of genres, Terry Nation’s Blake’s 7 resists categorisation or labelling; a ground-breaking piece of television drama. Presenting itself as easy-viewing, early evening entertainment for a (largely) teenage audience - which, on one level, it was - it tackles state-surveillance, propaganda, corruption, genocide, revolution, and terrorism. Avengers expert Rodney Marshall turns his attention to Blake’s 7, offering unauthorised, entertaining, thought-provoking critical guides to all fifty-two episodes in Series 1-4. Horizon (the official Blake’s 7 fan club) moderator Alex Pinfold has added a Foreword to this third edition, while television historian Matthew Lee has penned an essay on Terry Nation and Blake’s 7. Combining dark humour, surrealism, shiny surfaces and dramatic depth, Blake’s 7 blurs the boundary between hero/villain.