This publication by Dr. John Gill was written to consider the prophecies of the Old Testament, respecting the Messiah; and to prove they are literally fulfilled in Jesus. The Samaritan Jews, in the times of Jesus, expected a Messiah, as appears from the woman of Samaria, with whom Jesus conversed, who could say I know that the Messiah cometh which is called Christ’s (John 4.25). It is allowed that modern ones, have notions of a Messiah, though very confused. The first promise of a delivered in Genesis 3, 15 The promise made to Abraham and the advantage of the nations of the world were to receive. Concerning the time of the Messiah coming The linage of his birth The miraculous conception of his birth The place of his birth The circumstances of his birth The Prophetic office of the Messiah The remarkable occurrences of the Messiah’s riding to Jerusalem Concerning the suffering of Messiah The resurrection of the Messiah The Ascension of Messiah and Second coming of Messiah and Judgment Concerning the magnificent names and titles of the Messiah in the Old Testament.