The Age of Aquarius begins and ends with the age of darkness. The end is the beginning is the end. Perplexed by this cursory and rudimentary look at what the protagonist is in allows for the dialectic to take hold. It dovetails nicely into a world of servitude arranged by the Archons and their two Janus faced control system. The top of the top, and the bottom of the bottom, are joined in unison to fracture and split the souls of men. Simon, as he walks in the in-between world, the light and the dark, he is convinced of his own "beliefs" that he is led by truth and "light", but it is of the New Age which was determined eons ago to keep those locked down in perpetual "black" and "white". He meets along the way the gatekeepers that keep to the contract of "The Image of the New Man". This new image, no matter what, is coerced upon the masses so that the internal reflects that of the external. Simon makes his way to combat the darkness with little wisdom as both are under the employ of the same deity. The same "nothingness" that holds all things but has produced polarity that is a Natural Law under hermetic teachings. Simon, does not have the correct action due to his abuse to keep him under the control of this "dualistic" system which is really one. In his hubris he visits the dark ones in the black cube, and without any consideration to the sanctity of life, refuse his advances and throw him back into the bracketed area of "life" to fulfill the childish and mundane tasks set out by the dark cube and ultimately the white cube. Both, are watching, both are imploring him to stay exactly where he is - in the Age of Aquarius.