Indiana University student Lauren Spierer’s disappearance in 2011 is listed by TIME Magazine among the 5 most mysterious unsolved disappearances of all time, along with Jimmy Hoffa and Amelia Earhart. This is the FIRST detailed true account written on the disappearance of I.U. student Lauren Spierer. The student went missing on the early morning hours of June 3, 2011, just a few blocks from her Smallwood Plaza apartment after a night of celebrating the beginning of summer break. Lauren’s disappearance would set off a series of searches by thousands of collaborators nationwide, including police, rescue, volunteers, television personality & criminal investigator John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted, and the authors of this book. This book contains a timeline that follows Lauren’s exact foot steps to what may have happened that June evening on the darkest night of the month. We continue to search for Lauren Spierer as well as other missing persons that may or may not be connected to this case.