An assassins group was engaged in killing top-level International Personalities from different backgrounds and professions across the entire globe, challenging the Interpol, CIA, Mi6, ISI, MOSSAD, FBS or KGB. In US, the responsibility to root out these highly trained assassins was given to their best FBI officer, Bob Alvin Martin - FBI, Executive Asst. Director, National Security Branch. Bob chose Rose Wilson - a twenty-seven years old, Special Agent-in-charge posted at Virginia. The novel "Assassins" is all about the story of Rose Wilson’s preparations, investigations, rescue, and combat operations with the assassins. It’s all about, how she fell in love with a high class businessman - Robert Watson - whose life was at stake. It’s all about, if she’d save the life of her love from the assassins and if she could expose and kill the master mind of the assassins group. The novel "Assassins" is a complete package loaded with action, suspense, thriller, romance, and sensual love.