★作者戴夫‧皮爾奇(Dav Pilkey),在美國被喻為天才型的得獎漫畫家及繪本作家,擅長幽默搞笑筆觸和畫作,曾榮獲凱迪克,代表作另有“Captain Underpants”(內褲超人) )。
Petey貓已經出獄,重獲新生的他想要與Li'l Petey貓展開新的生活,面對父親Petey的回歸,Li'l Petey也意識到自己必須面對過去才能往前。同時,當Dog Man發現自己成為了全新一代超級大反派的目標時,恐懼變成他的一大困擾,他需要藉助Petey的合作才能一起對抗。但Petey和Dog Man真的能停止長久的貓狗大戰,並轉而在個團隊內一起工作嗎?
Petey the Cat is out of jail, and he has a brand-new lease on life. While Petey's reevaluated what matters most, Li'l Petey is struggling to find the good in the world. Can Petey and Dog Man stop fighting like cats and dogs long enough to put their paws together and work as a team? They need each other now more than ever -- Li'l Petey (and the world) is counting on them!
Dav Pilkey's wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores universally positive themes, including empathy, kindness, persistence, and the importance of being true to one's self.