Ines Wichert is a chartered psychologist with a special interest in talent management and female leadership development. She has a PhD in Organizational Psychology from the University of Cambridge in the UK and has been working as a management
consultant advising global organizations on their talent issues for many years. Ines brings a very personal interest and passion to the area of female leadership progression. This book is inspired by numerous conversations she has had over the years with women at middlemanagement level who were uncertain about their next career move. Brought up in the belief that she and her peers could ’have it all’, career and a family, her realization of increasing barriers to career progression for many of the women she has worked with has made her embark on a journey of discovery to find out what accelerates and slows down women’s progression in the world of business. Since writing this book, Ines has joined Kenexa’s High Performance Institute as a Senior Psychologist, where she continues her research into the advancement of women leaders worldwide.
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