My fortieth year. A look at my mistakes, my accomplishments, my errors, my prayers, my discipline from God and the eventual return of my joy from God. I feel that my fortieth year was very much a defining point of my reliance on God. I was in similar fashion, much like the nation of Israel, wandering in the wilderness. I was unwilling to completely submit all aspects of my life to God. Most specifically, My Love Life. This book is very much a "do as I say, not as I do" guide. Well actually it’s a "do as God says, not as I did" guide to dating and to relationships with the opposite sex and to the life lessons learned. The consequences of not dating God’s way are real. I am the living example. However, God is good, merciful, and full of grace. I am also the living example of His love and His promise to work all things for good to them that love Him.