★ 熱銷全球,影視爭相改編:翻譯成全球超過30種語言,旋風般橫掃各國書市暢銷榜及重要圖書獎項。波西傑克森書系曾改拍成電影,Disney+更將推出原創影集,由作者親自編劇
★ 希臘神話 × 奇幻冒險:輕鬆了解希臘神話的入門絕佳選擇,穿梭眾神的世界,展開充滿想像力的熱血冒險
★ 獨立故事.全新冒險:新作適合新舊讀者閱讀,不只邀請死忠粉絲重返熟悉的傳奇冒險,也適合初次接觸波西傑克森的讀者,一同感受難以抗拒的奇幻魅力
波西傑克森現在是一名高三生,他必須持有三封來自奧林帕斯山的推薦函,才能就讀New Rome大學,天神們為此給出波西三項挑戰任務。如今,波西已經成功尋回奧林帕斯山聖杯,完美地破解第一項任務。接下來,波西必須在萬聖節的時候,去照顧女神黑卡蒂的寵物,雪貂與巨獒。這聽起來很簡單,應該是不會出什麼差錯吧?
★ 榮獲美國前總統歐巴馬選書
★ 唯一連獲兩年「馬克吐溫獎」最佳圖書
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★ 亞馬遜網路書店年度最佳圖書
★ 全美英文教師協會最佳童書
In his continuing quest to earn college recommendation letters from the gods, Percy has to pet sit the goddess Hecate’s polecat and giant mastiff during Halloween week. What could go wrong?
Rick Riordan’s newest Percy Jackson adventure is full of hilarious set pieces, a diverse cast of gods and monsters, and many other delightful tricks and treats.
Percy Jackson, now a high school senior, needs three recommendation letters from the Greek gods in order to get into New Rome University. He earned his first one by retrieving Ganymede’s chalice. Now the goddess Hecate has offered Percy another "opportunity"--all he has to do is pet sit her polecat, Gale, and mastiff, Hecuba, over Halloween week while she is away. Piece of cake, right?
Percy, Annabeth, and Grover settle into Hecate’s seemingly endless mansion and start getting acquainted with the fussy, terrifying animals. The trio has been warned not to touch anything, but while Percy and Annabeth are out at school, Grover can’t resist drinking a strawberry-flavored potion in the laboratory. It turns him into a giant frenzied goat, and after he rampages through the house, damaging everything in sight, and passes out, Gale and Hecuba escape. Now the friends have to find Hecate’s pets and somehow restore the house, all before Hecate gets back on Saturday. It’s going to take luck, demigod wiles, and some old and new friends to hunt down the animals and set things right again.