Paul is a young boy who longs to go camping. From everything he has read and heard, people who go camping always have adventures. He imagines escaping from bears and cooking over campfires. Sleeping in a tent holds fascination for Paul. He and his best friend, Steve, practice survival skills for the time when one of them will truly get to camp. That time comes quickly for Paul when his dad announces the family's upcoming camping trip. Paul is thrilled. His older sister, Kate, rolls her eyes at his enthusiasm, having been camping with her girls' club several times. Nonetheless, the family is excited to start on their adventure. It seems forever until they reach the mountain setting with the clear river. They pitch their tent and cook supper. Paul decides food tastes better when it's cooked outdoors. In the morning, he has a chance to explore. One thing he never expects to find is an old mountain man with knowledge of the mountains, including panning for gold. When they become friends, Paul learns more than he expects and the knowledge helps to save his life.