Six Points In Time are six short stories about young people that take place over the last one hundred and fifty years. The first point in time is 1874, ten years after the American Civil War. Sarah get's into trouble trying to sew her wedding dress on a new fashion sewing machine. The second point in time is 1934 during the Great Depression. Charlie wants his own horse, but his folks can't afford to buy him one. The third point in time is 1954. Robert moves to a new school and is told by the other boys that pretty girl setting beside him is a witch. The fourth point in time is 2000. On a flight back to Dallas Professor Haley discovers that the young passenger setting next to him is a genius. The fifth point in time is 2004. A grandfather tells his grandson how fifty years before, he handled a high school bully. The final point in time is 2016. Three middle school kids meet a creepy clown