A teenage boy named Victor, along with his family, move to a town called Roarke in the state of Montana. The four of them settle down in a house they moved into on a lake near town, but they quickly find themselves struggling to start all over again.
They are soon visited by an eccentric old man named Willy. They decide to invite him to dinner to get to know their new neighbor, only to quickly realize the old man had a dark secret. Victor becomes extremely inquisitive, and pushes further to find out what secrets are hidden in the town he now calls home. Victor sees Willy a second time, when he warns him not to go looking for trouble and to stay away. From this, Victor begins to wonder if it’s a threat or a warning.
Victor ignores Willy’s warning about what lives on the other side of the lake and decides to investigate, only to discover something far more dark than he could have ever imagined. Victor will stop at nothing to keep his family safe, going on a daring mission that will prove whether or not he is cunning enough to defend himself against what’s coming for him and his family.