When Viola decides to get pregnant, she makes sure the baby is created during a ménage with both her lovers, Jay and Balde. She wants to make sure everyone is involved and invested from the start. This is going to be a family of lovetastic proportions. Loving more than one is not as easy as just love. What happens when Jay and Balde fall in love? Is it right to bring up children in a multi-partner family? What happens when Viola falls in love with a third person? Is it humanly possible to love more when you already love so many? Is the world ready to stop limiting love? When Viola loses a child and a partner close to each other does love for the remaining people change or grow stronger or perhaps different? So many questions and Viola answers them all in her own unique way. When she finally marries in the end, it’s a wedding that includes lovemaking in the open. Shocking, or has the time finally come to love without limits?