In a prosperous fictional kingdom, the prosperity is belied by the existence of a little mentioned or talked about north country that in its invisibility is a place of poverty and drought.
At the request of her parents, Roisin, a teenage girl from the north makes a weekly trek to a small city market where she sells home made brooms. When she sells out her stock early one week, she decides to take in the sights of the city. She meets a brother and sister on a visit to the palace and they become special friends, friends who despite her poverty will need her when her visits have stopped.
Meanwhile a cruel and ruthless Duke Leonis has gathered some loyal followers and is planning to overthrow the king in which Roisin will have an unwitting part.
A local rustic who has befriended Roisin turns out to be something more that what he appears while a young guardsman learns some important lessons.
The story brings together the diverse characters in an adventurous and intriguing way.