While helping to clean up the grounds of an old estate once owned by a famous scientist, three young teenagers, Bonnie, Henry, and Freddie discover a mysterious underground tunnel. At the end of this dark, foreboding passageway they find a red door, and behind it, there is a scientific device that takes them through a portal to another dimension. The three unsuspecting youths are flung into a state of consciousness reality beyond anything they have ever known. Bonnie and her two sidekicks become lost in a world where the undead hunt the living. A place where wizards and witches rule with witchcraft and magic. Bonnie, Henry, and Freddie fall victims to an angry Ice Queen who wants to destroy them. Bonnie is a girl lost in a magical world and cannot find a way home. There is a threat of danger at every turn, and Bonnie needs help to survive. Coming to her rescue is a tiny faerie who conjures up a giant dragon. A knight in shining armor will guide the three youths on a path to the mythological gods. They also befriend a medieval musician who bears the burden of a ghostly secret, and a small black cat who follows Bonnie in her journey to find an eccentric hermit who might be able to help her and her friends get home.