The Four Legends is a fast-paced futuristic novel set in 2095 that explores what it means to be part of the human race. Being chosen as a Legend on the Extra-Terrestrial Living Station is a dream come true for every teenager coming of age. The story follows four teenagers on a Quest to retrieve valuable relics from different countries on Earth via space and time travel, as they seek to claim their status as Legends. The teenagers have to face ominous rain forests, mysterious South American temples, the harsh African environment and treacherous guides to find what they are looking for. However, this will not come without sacrifice. And from far away, the Praeceptori, their Teachers, are watching, planning ... and possibly using them for their own, far more disturbing goals.
The Four Legends propels us into a journey of discovering Earth, discovering self and discovering that the only way to survive is through real connection with one another.