In a world with evil seemingly gushing out of its pores, with many portals that lead to mysterious and undiscovered realms dotting its surface, and with unusual creatures setting forth their own agendas; one girl watches...and waits. She waits for what she feels to be an inevitable occurrence. She waits to face a creature... a creature eviler than she. Why? because she's bored of course. Acacia Isla-Isis Annaliese is a nonhuman from another realm. Half manipulator on her mother's side, who hails from a powerful coven of purebred witches, and part something else...something ancient. She struggles with the gifts that threaten to rip her apart and has somehow brought together a small team of other equally troubled non-humans and humans. This is the story of their fight against powers that they don't yet understand and their struggle to stop a war, a war that was planned long before they were born, from starting. There's a darkness coming for the city of Valdis. Will Isis help fight it...or will she choose to just watch the destruction it brings?