Anne and Jim is an unmarried couple who live in a small town in Montana. They are deeply in love with one another and very happy together. One day, not long after high school, Jim joins the army. He gets sent to Viet Nam almost right after basic training. In “Nam”, Jim goes through a tough period of trial and tribulations, concerning his loyalty to his beloved Anne. This is particularly so in Saigon, where he spends a few days of special leave. Numerous vices and temptations are there, lurking for Jim at nearly every turn. The simple country boy must fend them off like the pesky flies and mosquitoes of the hated jungle. Will he be successful and manage to remain devoted to his love? Can he overcome the hot blood and the hormones that course through his veins, like that of every other young guy? But more; will Anne also remain faithful to her Jim while he’s fighting a two-front war, thousands of miles away?