"HELLO. YOU HAVE REACHED BANYON INVESTIGATIONS. MAYBE." Amnesia is to private investigators what chicken pox is to kids: sooner or later they all come down with it. Crag Banyon's bout of pesky P.I. amnesia comes during what may or may not be his biggest case ever. Unfortunately, he can't remember the case, he can't remember his client, he can't remember where he parked his car, and most of all he can't remember why he joined a profession that gets you shot at, run over, and repeatedly whacked on the head and left for dead. Banyon is in the fight of his life and not even his trusty office elf knows with whom or why. As the plucky P.I. begins to blindly unravel knots, he busts open a scheme bigger than he could have possibly imagined, and it all ties in with a sexy lady doctor, a nasty news vendor, a passel of time-traveling cowboys and an exceedingly polite cast of thousands. If Banyon remembers enough to survive to the end, he's going to need a few dozen good, stiff drinks to forget. "IF WE OWE YOU MONEY, FORGET IT."