Zoe, a rebellious teenager from Cascade, Colorado discovers that her biological father is Ron Jacobson, a famous actor, While her mother takes a long weekend trip with her fiance to Vermont, which is really to check out a boarding school to send Zoe to. Zoe flies out to Beverly Hills to meet Ron and that's when the adventure begins. Ron is a womanizing playboy without an ounce of responsibility in his veins. His mother, Phoebe hires a new assistant, Christy Johnson for Ron to improve his image. However, Christy is an undercover journalist that is there to uncover dirt on the family, too bad she's falling for Ron. Now, Ron has a teenage daughter which may help improve his image to the public. Ron's famous parents have their own story...his father is hiding his fading health and withering acting career, while his wife is still a very busy working actress.