This is your own DIY guide in the form an article for choosing your mutual fund in the myriad world of Indian mutual funds. In India, there are over 960 equity related mutual fund schemes. Some of these schemes have offered compounded annual growth of over 16 to 30% in a time span of 5 years up to December 2017, translating in sizeable growth of initial investment. Unfortunately the choice of appropriate fund is not easy. This short guide of about 6300 words will take you through trusted resources to choose funds suitable for your needs, depending on your age and income profile, risk appetite, financial goals and willingness to stay invested for longer periods. The best part is there are several mutual fund schemes which have given the investors the opportunity to save on income tax, and also offered attractive growth in the form of an effective compounded return of over 25%. With this guide you will soon start investing in the mutual funds like a pro, and enjoy the benefits available to only a few investors. While following the mutual fund route, you will also eliminate the risk of buying on hunches or buying on unsound advice, which can lead to loss of your capital. This starting guide is recommended for those who always wanted to invest in mutual funds but didn't know how to proceed. It will help those mutual fund investors who made wrong choices earlier and want to have a 'do it yourself' guide. It will protect you from the pitfalls of large investments in new fund offers.