The morning of Thanksgiving, Muriel pooped out a condom. The night before she had been getting banged by some dude named Roger. He had slicked-down baby hairs and a Pootie Tang ponytail. His body smelled like petroleum jelly and frankincense. He said his favorite movie was Space Jam, but Muriel could tell that was just his safe answer. Something ironic and popular for the kids. His real favorite movie was probably the 1994 film Reality Bites, starring Winona Ryder and Ethan Hawke. It wasn't time yet for that movie to become an ironic, non-embarrassing choice to choose as a favorite film, even though it came before Space Jam, and you would think, chronologically at least, that there would be some sort of order to things. Like how old styles come into new. But it doesn't really work like that with movies. Space Jam was almost always accepted as an acceptable choice for Favorite Film. It's a fairly non-pretentious piece of art. And thanks to its absurdist themes, makes it so it can be listed as a favorite for various reasons, whether it be that someone finds it humorous, or Basquiat if he made Trix cereal commercials.