"Pennie" is a novella that adds details to the life of Pennie before she meets Steve in the town of Orange in "Broken Vows". Although it is about Pennie's earlier life, it is best read after "Broken Vows" and before Books 2 and 3 of the "Broken Vows Trilogy.
As Pennie explains: 'I was kicked out of home at seventeen and, even though I was a popular girl and had plenty of friends, I needed to make my own way in life. With nothing more than a backpack to hold my few belongings, I started hitchhiking. I tried numerous jobs as I moved from place to place. I was bartending in Broken Hill when I decided, on a whim, to accept an offer from sixty-eight-year-old Percy Chambers. I travelled with him on his final run driving a delivery truck for Olivers Overland. A mishap along the way saw me making the choice to set out for Orange. For me, the rest is history.'