"Imagine the perfect place where there is little if any crime, a safe haven jam-packed with welcoming neighbors, a profusion of popular sports to partake in, plenty of stimulating recreational activities everyone can enjoy, white picket fences, pristine lakes, lush greenery, and gorgeous mansions – the ideal kind-of-home to raise your kids in even. Now picture this same sanctuary where come hell or high water, when the sun subsides, something causes everyone and everything to turn 360 degrees out of control – a place where teenagers and adults are possessed with becoming widespread or even famous for becoming one of the residence lifeguards. What is instigating these things to happen? Why are people missing and acting so outlandish? Why can no one remember? There is one tenacious, single-minded lifeguard, however, who is painstakingly persistent to find out, but has no idea of the physical and mental anguish she will endure while trying to unravel the mystery behind this nightmare."