It was a global crisis, but the epicenter was the United States. China was on the brink of assuming power and the recently suspended interim president Orlando Cabrera and his mission to reassume his office was the only thing standing in its way. The vacillating Supreme Court had made matters worse and civil war was imminent. Certain people, certain very distant people, were worried, very worried. This crisis on Earth had major ramifications to the leaders of the Mainland. This wasn’t the plan. When they populated the Earth with the progeny of criminals centuries earlier in effort to break the cycle of criminals begetting criminals, the goal was to eventually reassimilate the progeny’s progeny back into the rest of the Universe. It was a major and thus far largely successful undertaking, but now Project 46 was failing. And the leaders of the Mainland, the hub of the distant, planting galaxy had to fix the problem and they had to do it under the radar both at home and, if possible, on Earth.