You will be connecting with the crystals, herbs and essential oils to support you in releasing the stress from your life. This month, you will be given the tools to assist you in managing your levels of stress. It is important to understand that you are creating this need to have stress. Find out how to take control of the reins and dissolve the stress. Crystals: Fluorite, Mangano Calcite, Lepidolite, & Shungite Essential Oils: Stress Away & White Angelica blends Herbs: Passion Flower & Valerian The teachings include: - Understand Your Stress - Differences between Agates & Jaspers - Sacredness - Crystal Pendulums - Get Unplugged & Relax - Pets - Healthy Boundaries - Anti-Anxiety Crystal Set - Flower Essences - Physical Fitness & Stress - And much more This is a series of classes that are offered in-person and online at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. Find out more at: https: //