"In The Power of Ownership, author Justin Roethlingshoefer delivers a transformative tool for empowerment designed to enable you to take control of your health in a holistic and personalized way. After managing the health, wellness and performance of the best athletes in the world for more than a decade, the failure to do that for himself almost cost him his life, and fueled his mission to solve this problem for not just athletes but high achieving people pursuing a mission. Avoiding robotic and cookie-cutter approaches, Roethlingshoefer offers the tools, systems, and processes you need to rebuild your life and health in a way that makes sense for you and your body. The book is a simple, actionable, and relatable tool--instead of a textbook or loose collection of stories--located at the intersection of art and cutting-edge health science. It’s filled with lessons you’ll be able to understand with ease and apply to your life immediately"--