The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, monasteries and Orthodox churches, disguised as stone barns in the Troodos Mountains of Southern Cyprus, the remains of abbeys and Crusader Castles topping the jagged peaks of the Pentadactylos Mountains of Northern Cyprus, rock cut churches in the Taurus Mountains of Cappadocia or the impregnable, fortified Acropolis and Governor’s Palace of the Knights of Saint John in Rhodes - each is testimony to the success of the missionary journeys undertaken by Saint Paul, the disciples and their followers - primarily the Crusaders and the Knights of Saint John and bear witness to the determination of early Christians, who despite the ongoing threat of persecution continued to practice and defend their new found faith. These are just a handful of the remarkable places visited and brought to life by the author on her travels through the troubled regions of the Mediterranean On the Trail of Saint Paul.
"Adrienne Brady shows us how Saint Paul’s epic missions to spread the Christian religion left an indelible mark on the countries he visited. Her journey brings biblical landscapes to life and uncovers a legacy of conflict which remains to this day."
Rodger Witt, Editorial Consultant