Lucas is unwavering on his quest to find his mother, his determination unyielding...until an unexpected obstacle named Laura veers into his path. Every clue, every lead, brings him closer to unraveling the mystery shrouding his mother’s disappearance. However, dodging Laura’s unsolicited attempts to ’assist’ him seems to turn his once straightforward mission into a maze with no exit. He doesn’t require help; he needs answers.
On the other hand, Laura is navigating the turbulent waters of her final university year, eyes fixed on landing a position at her dream company. With her supportive boyfriend, steadfast best friend, and a ceaseless supply of coffee by her side, she’s on the trajectory to attain all she’s envisioned. That is, until a chance encounter at the park with Lucas, a seemingly wayward elementary school kid, throws a wrench in her well-laid plans.