Eddie Marchant, a former Detective Senior Sergeant in the NZ Police’s Financial Intelligence Unit, and his wife Liz move to Willowbrook, a brand new lifestyle village for over 55s nestled in the heart of New Zealand’s North Island. As they settle into village life, they encounter a colourful cast of characters: Millie, the self-proclaimed ’Mayoress’; Coralie, a former Medécins sans Frontières nurse seeking peace and companionship; Herschel, a computer nerd immersed in artificial intelligence; Douglas, a former CEO abandoned by his scheming ex-wife; Ruth and Aidan, former missionaries grappling with the aftermath of a financial scandal; and the enigmatic Miss Muckle with her unsightly dog, Smooch. She seems to be just a mildly batty old woman with strange habits, but appearances can be deceptive.