Birte Vogel is Senior Lecturer in Humanitarianism, Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Manchester. Her publications include Mac Ginty, R. Brett, R., and Vogel, B. (eds) 2021. Companion to Peace and Conflict Fieldwork, Palgrave Macmillan and Distler, W. Stavrevska, E. and Vogel, B. (eds) 2019. Economy Formation Processes in Conflict-Affected Societies, Routledge.
Stefanie Kappler is Professor in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding at Durham University. Her publications include Peacebuilding and Spatial Transformation: Peace, Space and Place (with Annika Björkdahl), Routledge, 2017; Local Agency and Peacebuilding: EU and International Engagement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus and South Africa, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2014 and Mass media and the Genocide of the Armenians: One Hundred Years of Uncertain Representation (with Joceline Chabot, Richard Godin & Sylvia Kasparian [eds]), Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015.
Oliver P. Richmond is Research Professor of IR, Peace and Conflict Studies at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute & Department of Politics, University of Manchester. His recent publications include Peace in IR (Routledge, 2008), Challenges to Peacebuilding: Managing Spoilers During Conflict Resolution (co-edited with Edward Newman) (UNU Press, 2006), and The Transformation of Peace (Palgrave, 2005).