Loyalty to Your Soul is a book uniquely suited for anyone interested in answering the larger questions in life, such as Who am I? Why am I here?What is my purpose? and How can I make a more meaningful contribution in my world? Engaging in such an inquiry is not a question of making up the right “to do” list or attending the latest workshop about fulfilling your heart’s desires. Nor is it about finding the right job, soul mate, income level, group of friends, or social status.
What it is about is first gaining access to, and then slowly learning to live from, that special place within that the authors refer to as the Authentic Self. It’s a place where answers to the above questions are self-evident. You will know when you get there, because love reigns and emotional suffering doesn’t exist. While many people have written about such an inner state, Ron and Mary Hulnick show you how to travel there . . . and what to anticipate once you arrive.