The aim of this book is to enable novices to
cruise safely and enjoyably. It will cover the preparations needed before
undertaking a cruise, operating the boat under different and sometimes
challenging conditions, how to cope when things go wrong, how to conform to the
rules and regulations, and how to navigate. It conveys the advice and
information just as the cruiser will encounter it on passage - from setting off
to arriving at their destination (rather than compartmentalised into
navigation/weather/engine etc).
Topics include: Preparing to cruise (weather forecasts, route planning, checklists); Leaving harbour (harbour entrances, radio contact, setting courses and speeds,
crew briefing, food and drink); Assessing
weather and sea conditions (fine tuning plans); Watch
keeping under way (visual and electronic navigation, coping with alarms); Entering
harbour (planning ahead, radio channels, finding an anchorage, speeds); Cruising
at night and in fog (lights, radar, shipping lanes, stopping distance); Adventurous
cruising (navigating inshore, beach landing, hidden dangers); Fuel
management and economy (economical speeds, boat trim, reserves); Comfort
on board (cooking and sleeping at sea, security); When
things go wrong (potential problems, safety equipment, coping with fire,
leaks, grounding, engine problems, calling for help); Rules
and regulations (collision regulations, traffic lanes, going foreign,
Aimed at owners of powerboats and motor cruisers between 25
and 65ft, the book will be entirely practical, with checklists, sidebars and
box-outs and many diagrams and photos.