《烈焰與怒火:川普白宮內幕Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House》重磅續集登場!
美國資深記者麥可‧沃爾夫(Michael Wolff)再次發揮查訪功力,訪談150名內部人士,不僅揭開川普的日益張狂的易怒、反覆無常,更為讀者整理出川普眼前所面對──法律責任、個人、政治地位──各層面的四面楚歌。鮮明呈現一個充滿爭議性的領導人,以及一個深陷困境的執政團隊。
With Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff defined the first phase of the Trump administration; now, in Siege, he has written an equally essential and explosive book about a presidency that is under fire from almost every side. A stunningly fresh narrative that begins just as Trump's second year as president is getting underway and ends with the delivery of the Mueller report, Siege reveals an administration that is perpetually beleaguered by investigations and a president who is increasingly volatile, erratic and exposed.