魔法旅程出發囉,走進霍格華茲教室,參與黑魔法防禦術、藥草學、天文學、占卜學等精采課程,一窺魔法石背後隱藏的真相,並發現隱形墨水的秘密!你知道掃帚對女巫們的真正用途嗎?想看看人魚的真正模樣嗎?還是想要更了解龍和獨角獸,或是曾在藥草學課堂中出現的魔蘋果?各種有趣的魔法知識都在這裡,更棒的是,還能製作專屬於自己的魔藥!此外,本書還收錄J. K. 羅琳手稿,以及得獎插畫家Jim Kay為哈利波特系列特別繪製的的細膩插畫。這趟旅程除了帶領讀者探索魔法世界之外,也介紹魔法在歷史上扮演的角色,滿足巫師與麻瓜們的好奇心,更適合大小朋友一起閱讀!
為了紀念「哈利波特」系列出版20週年,大英圖書館盛大舉辦「哈利波特:魔法的歷史」特展,並推出《哈利波特:一段魔法歷史》(Harry Potter: A History of Magic)、《哈利波特:穿越歷史的魔法旅程》(Harry Potter: A Journey Through A History of Magic)兩本展覽導覽書,讓世界各地渴望參與這場盛會的粉絲們,都能重新發現魔法世界的奧妙與魅力!
An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts – packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K. Rowling, magical illustrations from Jim Kay and weird, wonderful and inspiring artefacts that have been magically released from the archives at the British Library. This spellbinding book takes readers on a journey through the Hogwarts curriculum, including Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Divination and more. Discover the truth behind making the Philosopher's Stone, create your very own potion and uncover the secret of invisible ink. Learn all about the history of mandrake roots and dragons, discover what witches really used their brooms for, pore over incredible images of actual mermaids and read about real-life potions, astronomers and alchemists. The perfect gift for aspiring witches and wizards and any Harry Potter fan. Celebrating twenty years of Harry Potter magic, and produced in association with the British Library to support their major exhibition, Harry Potter: A History of Magic.