Of all organizations, perhaps government agencies are perceived to be the least likely to change. They are embedded in enormous bureaucratic structures that have grown over decades, if not centuries. In effect, many people have given up hope that such an institution can ever change its ways of doing business. And yet, from a human-centered design perspective, they present a fabulous challenge. Designed by people for people, they have a mandate to be customer-centered, but they often fall short of this goal. If human-centered design can make a difference in this organizational context, it is likely to have an equal or greater impact on an organization that shows more flexibility: for example, one that is smaller in size and less entangled in legal or political frameworks.
Transforming Public Services by Design provides insights into three design projects by large-scale government agencies. The author explains how the methods and the principles that guide human-centered design link to the four elements of the organization that simultaneously represent the four vectors around which the organization can change: People, Structure, Resources and Vision. The author discusses the change strategies in place for the Tax Forms Simplification Project by the Internal Revenue Service (1978-1983), the Domestic Mail Manual Transformation Project by the United States Postal Service (2001-2005) and the Integrated Tax Design Project by the Australian Tax Office. These case studies demonstrate for the first time what role design has in organizational change and what kinds of changes designers can achieve.
This book aims to support designers and managers who are interested in how design, designing and designers can generate, implement and institutionalize changes within organizations and what form these changes can take. Understanding the nature of the changes through design will enable managers and designers alike to employ design for strategic and planned changes.