Age 5+ A classic adventure story for children who have just started to read alone.Sinbad is the most fearless sailor on the seven seas, facing trolls, giants, whales and wild storms on his adventures. But is his luck about to run out?Vibrantly illustrated by Paddy Mounter.Developed in conjunction with reading experts from Roehampton University.航海家辛巴達耳熟能詳.深入淺出的經典故事,進入讀本與繪本程度的讀者訴求不同,故在有聲的裝飾上也與繪本風格的表現不一樣; 適時的襯底音樂和重點式音效,雖然簡單卻不單調,透過講述者多變的聲音表情技巧,表現出與繪本CD截然不同的戲劇效果。本書特色*有聲書系列,聽力/閱讀力同時提升*內容取材於經典故事 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
Age 5+
A classic adventure story for children who have just started to read alone.Sinbad is the most fearless sailor on the seven seas, facing trolls, giants, whales and wild storms on his adventures. But is his luck about to run out?Vibrantly illustrated by Paddy Mounter.Developed in conjunction with reading experts from Roehampton University.航海家辛巴達耳熟能詳.深入淺出的經典故事,進入讀本與繪本程度的讀者訴求不同,故在有聲的裝飾上也與繪本風格的表現不一樣; 適時的襯底音樂和重點式音效,雖然簡單卻不單調,透過講述者多變的聲音表情技巧,表現出與繪本CD截然不同的戲劇效果。本書特色*有聲書系列,聽力/閱讀力同時提升*內容取材於經典故事