If you love fantastic stories, and don’t mind a bit of squirming, Melanie Marshall has them for you right here. Find out what it was like to fly in the Himalayas and have a bee as a pet. When was the last time you hunted termites or came face-to-face with mad dogs? Ever get caught with your hand in the till and have to take some bitter medicine? (Don’t do it.) Read about it instead. Meet a mouse that negotiates a truce between enemies!
These are just a few of the stories that will steamroller you into disbelief. Pick any story. Be glad it never happened to you. Or, wish it had. Laugh and cringe in the same sentence. Go ahead, don’t believe a single one. So what if they are true?
Journey from Kathmandu, Nepal to Kensington, Maryland; Bobo Dioulasso Burkina Faso to the Swiss Alps and then to the ancient town of Carthage in Tunisia. Ladybug’s perspective may be different, but the sentiment, faith and lessons from the school of hard knocks are not only touching, they are hard earned and remembered. And, best of all, hilarious.