The book is a presentation, and discussion, of many social issues facing our world today. Topics were collected from books, television news reports, lectures, debates, comments by politicians worldwide, newspaper and magazine articles, and even the motion picture industry; and other personal contacts and communications.
A chronicle of events in Iraq, since the war started, is also outlined, as Iraq continues to dominate daily news releases around the globe; and because many experts have stated that the United States government had made many miscalculations in the handling of Iraq; let alone, that the war itself was a huge mistake, labeled by most people worldwide as both illegal and immoral.
Difficulties encountered in most countries are identified, as these caused much suffering amongst their people; and possible steps towards achieving solutions are presented. Those included are: hunger and poverty, healthcare, education, economy, human rights, justice, freedom, and a definition of true democracy, the environment, on corruption in politics and corporations, and most importantly, achieving and preserving world peace.
Middle East conflicts are highlighted as well, but reference is also made to countries across planet earth -- large or small, rich or poor, developed or underdeveloped. These include the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, the Island of Malta, countries in Latin America, Africa, the former Soviet Union, China, India, Pakistan, and much more. A section is also devoted to events in the life of a most remarkable human being -- the late Pope, John Paul II.