Francis Dwyer was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. He lost his mother when he was ten months old. In 1946, as a four-year-old, he entered the Wood’s Christian Homes in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Francis states that the impulse to write Passing Innocence began when he attended his first re-union in 1989. Whilst touring the old grounds, he encountered a morose middle-aged man resting on a bench. That fellow’s only remark was ÒI still hate this (expletive) place Shortly after, Francis began to explore his past. He discovered that he had grown up in an amazing and often wonderful place but with the misfortune to enter the Wood’s at a dark time in its history. The experience haunted him for many years, but, when he uncovered the whole story, he was ultimately proud to have been a Wood’s kid. Francis lives in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada with his wife Janice. He loves to fly fish, practice photography and hike on mountain trails.
For more information about the author please visit Frank Dwyer