兩個來自不同世界、個性南轅北轍的人因為這個機緣而相識、相戀。克婷與馬克決定移居小鎮,開設一個堅持有機農法、回歸馬匹犁田、鄰里互助耕作的CSA(Community Supported Agriculture,社區協力農業)農場。一一幕幕雞飛、狗跳、馬狂奔、人暴走的場景讓初為農婦的克婷好氣又好笑,卻死心塌地愛上這樣鮮活札實的每一天,像在泥土裡生了根似的,再也不捨得離開……
克婷與馬克創辦的愛瑟農場堅持有機天然的方式種植,由農人駕馬兒拉曳耕種,而非藉助電動曳引機,肥沃的土壤則來自堆肥。農場種的作物用來自食,且供給社區居民認購股份、每周取用,產品可能有牛肉、豬肉、雞肉、牛奶、蛋、楓糖漿、穀物、麵粉、乾豆、香草、水果和四十種不同的當季蔬菜,全部由農場生產。消費者能目睹、且參與食物化育過程,品味到原汁原味的美食。開農場這主意 聽來浪漫、卻有些冒險,經過一年努力,他倆竟然成功了!但中間發生過多少衝突,又有多少無厘頭的突發事件,還有多少難關要闖……
"This book is the story of the two love affairs that interrupted the trajectory of my life: one with farming—that dirty, concupiscent art—and the other with a complicated and exasperating farmer."
Single, thirty something, working as a writer in New York City, Kristin Kimball was living life as an adventure. But she was beginning to feel a sense of longing for a family and for home. When she interviewed a dynamic young farmer, her world changed. Kristin knew nothing about growing vegetables, let alone raising pigs and cattle and driving horses. But on an impulse, smitten, if not yet in love, she shed her city self and moved to five hundred acres near Lake Champlain to start a new farm with him. The Dirty Life is the captivating chronicle of their first year on Essex Farm, from the cold North Country winter through the following harvest season—complete with their wedding in the loft of the barn.
Kimball and her husband had a plan: to grow everything needed to feed a community. It was an ambitious idea, a bit romantic, and it worked. Every Friday evening, all year round, a hundred people travel to Essex Farm to pick up their weekly share of the "whole diet"—beef, pork, chicken, milk, eggs, maple syrup, grains, flours, dried beans, herbs, fruits, and forty different vegetables—produced by the farm. The work is done by draft horses instead of tractors, and the fertility comes from compost. Kimball’s vivid descriptions of landscape, food, cooking—and marriage—are irresistible.
"As much as you transform the land by farming," she writes, "farming transforms you." In her old life, Kimball would stay out until four a.m., wear heels, and carry a handbag. Now she wakes up at four, wears Carhartts, and carries a pocket knife. At Essex Farm, she discovers the wrenching pleasures of physical work, learns that good food is at the center of a good life, falls deeply in love, and finally finds the engagement and commitment she craved in the form of a man, a small town, and a beautiful piece of land
克婷.津寶Kristin Kimball
Kristin Kimball is a farmer and a writer living in northern New York. Prior to farming, Kimball worked as a freelance writer, writing teacher, and as an assistant to a literary agent in New York City. A graduate of Harvard University, she and her husband Mark have run Essex Farm since 2003, where they live with their two daughters.